2023-2024 Academic Catalog

College Transfer Pathways

All courses listed in the Associate in Arts, Associate in Arts Teacher Preparation, Associate in Engineering, Associate in General Education Nursing, Associate in Science, and Associate in Science Teacher Preparation are also listed in the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement; therefore, such courses will transfer to any of the 16 colleges in the University of North Carolina College System and many private colleges. Transferability of courses is contingent upon the student earning a grade of “C” or better in each course. Students are required to maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average on college course work after the completion of two college level courses.

Students interested in participating in one of the Associate in Arts, Associate in Arts Teacher Preparation, Associate in Engineering, Associate in General Education Nursing, Associate in Science, or Associate in Science Teacher Preparation must meet the following criteria: (1) be a high school junior or senior; (2) have an unweighted high school grade point average of 2.8 or higher; and (3) demonstrate college readiness in English, reading, and mathematics on a college approved testing instrument.