2023-2024 Academic Catalog

Industrial Technologies

CE Course Number & Course Title Continuing Education Course Hours CU Course Number, (Credit Hours), & Course Title
ATR-3115P1 (Mechatronics– Part 1) 240 ELC-112 (5)/DC/AC Electricity
ELN-133 (4)/Digital Electronics
ATR-3115P2 (Mechatronics– Part 2) 208 ELC-117 (4)/Motors and Controls
ELC-128 (3)/Intro to PLC
WLD 3106P3 (Welding Mechatronics–Part 3) 192 WLD-131 (4)/GTAW (TIG) Plate
WLD-112 (2)/Basic Welding Processes
ATR-3115P4 (Mechatronics– Part 4) 208 HYD-110 (3)/Hydraulics/Pneumatics
MNT-165 (2)/Mechanical Industrial Systems
MNT-230 (2)/Pumps & Piping Systems
 CST-3110 (Construction Core Skills) 80 or more WOL-110 (3) Basic Construction Skills
 BPR-3011 (Blueprint Reading) 48 or more BPR-130 (3) Print Reading-Construction
 ELC-3014 (Electricity: Basic) 128 or more ELC-112 (5) DC/AC Electricity

Note: Courses indicated with a “*” can be articulated from colleges other than Bladen Community College.