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2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program

The use and abuse of drugs and alcohol are subjects of immediate concern in our society. These problems are extremely complex and ones for which there are no easy solutions. From a safety perspective, the users and/or abusers of drugs or alcohol may impair the well-being of all employees, students, the public at large, and result in damage to college property. Therefore, in compliance with the Federal Drug-Free Workplace and Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations, it is the policy of this college that the unlawful use, possession, manufacture, distribution, or dispensation of a controlled substance or alcohol, is prohibited while in the college workplace, on college premises, or as part of any college-sponsored activities. Any employee or student violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion and referral for prosecution. The specifics of this policy are as follows:

  1. Bladen Community College does not differentiate among unlawful users, pushers, or sellers of drugs or alcohol. Any employee or student who unlawfully possesses, uses, sells, gives or transfers a controlled substance or alcoholic beverage to another person while in the college workplace, on college premises, or as part of any college-sponsored activity, will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion, and referral for prosecution.
  2. The term “controlled substance” means any drug listed in 21 CFR part 1308 and other federal regulations, as well as those listed in Article V, Chapter 90 of North Carolina General Statues. Generally, these are drugs which have a high potential for abuse. Such drugs include, but are not limited to heroin, PCP, cocaine, “crack”, and marijuana. They also include “legal drugs” which are not prescribed by a licensed physician. The term “alcoholic beverage” includes beer, wine, whiskey and any other beverage listed in Chapter 18B of the General Statutes of North Carolina.
  3. If any employee or student is convicted of violating any criminal drug or alcoholic beverage control statute while in the college workplace, on college premises, or as part of any college-sponsored activity, he or she will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion. Specifically, any such person who is convicted of a felony, or of a misdemeanor which results in an active prison sentence may, if a student, be expelled, or if an employee, be terminated from employment (subject to existing disciplinary policies applicable to employees and State or Federal law which may apply). Other misdemeanor convictions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and the penalties to be imposed may range from written warnings or mandatory counseling or rehabilitation to expulsion from enrollment or discharge from employment. Any such person charged with a violation of these policies concerning illegal drugs may be suspended from enrollment or employment before initiation or completion of disciplinary proceedings if the Executive Committee determines that the continued presence of such person within the college community would constitute a clear and immediate danger to the health or welfare of other members of the community after an appropriate pre-termination inquiry. All employees and students of the college are currently eligible and are encouraged to participate without cost in a Student/Employee assistance program which offers, among its many services, drug and alcohol abuse counseling.
  4. Each employee or student is required to inform the Office of Student Services at the college, in writing, within five (5) days after he or she is convicted of violation of any federal, state, or local criminal drug or alcoholic beverage control statute where such violation occurred while in the college workplace, on college premises, or as part of any college-sponsored activity. A conviction means a plea of or a finding of guilt (including a plea of nolo contendere) and the imposition of a judgment by a judge sitting with or without a jury in any federal or state court. As a condition of further employment on any federal government grant, the law requires all employees to abide by this policy.
  5. The Office of Student Services must notify the U.S. governmental agency, from which a grant was made, within the (10) days after receiving notice from the grant employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of a drug conviction. Disciplinary action against the convicted employee must be undertaken by the college within 30 days.