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2020-2021 Academic Catalog

Admission Criteria

  • Bladen Community College does not solicit or use information regarding the accreditation of a secondary school located in North Carolina that a person attended as a factor affecting admission to the college or to any program of study, loans, scholarships, or other educational activity at the community college, unless the accreditation was conducted by a state agency. For purposes of this policy, the term “accreditation” shall include certification or any other similar approval process. The student admission processing and placement determination shall be performed by officials of the college.
  • An undocumented immigrant shall be admitted to Bladen Community College only if this person attended and graduated from a United States public high school, private high school, or home school that operates in compliance with state or local law. In making that determination, the college will use federal immigration classifications. All undocumented immigrants must comply with all federal and state laws (see State Board Code: 1D 400.2; 8 United States Code 1641).
  • High school graduation, an adult high school diploma, or a high school equivalency certificate is required for admission to diploma or degree programs offered by Bladen Community College. Students not completing such a program must complete a high school equivalency certification such as a GED or adult high school diploma.
  • A legal resident who is a non-graduate and 18 years old may be admitted to any certificate program.
  • An entrance test or a high school transcript will be used in determining the student’s ability to make satisfactory progress at Bladen Community College. Applicants are evaluated and counseled into programs that are considered most appropriate to meet their needs and objectives, consistent with the student’s aptitude and expressed interests. Appropriate developmental or remedial support is provided to assist students in overcoming deficiencies in their preparation for collegiate study.
  • High school students enrolled in the Career and College Promise Program may be admitted to appropriate college courses upon approval by the high school principal and the college admissions office. (See NCCCS Memorandum CC11-026)

Bladen Community College reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicant who is currently suspended or expelled from an educational institution, or who poses an articulable, imminent, and significant threat to others. The decision to deny admission to the college is made by the vice president for student services. The vice president for student services will provide written notification to the applicant of the reasons for denial. The notification for denied admission will include:

  1. The detailed facts supporting the rationale for denying admission;
  2. The time period for within which the refusal to admit shall be applicable and the supporting rationale for the designated time period and
  3. The conditions upon which the applicant who is refused would be eligible to be admitted.

Applicants refused admission due to suspension or expulsion from the college or after having posed an articulable, imminent, and significant threat to others may appeal the decision of the vice president for student services. In this case, a signed statement must be submitted to the president of the college within five (5) work days after receiving the information in a certified letter. The document will set forth the specific nature of the appeal and describe specifically in detail efforts made to obtain redress.

Within ten (10) work days the president will appoint an ad hoc appeals committee consisting of not more than five (5) individuals to investigate the validity of the appeal and to recommend appropriate action. Members of the committee will consist of faculty and staff not involved in the decision to refuse the admission of the applicant. Within five (5) work days the appeals committee will meet to take and consider the information provided after its appointment by the president. The purpose of this committee is to evaluate the merits of the appeal and to hear any arguments and review evidence from the refused applicant. Based on this review, the committee will render a recommendation which supports the position of the refused applicant or reaffirms the decision by the vice president for student services. Ten (10) work days are permitted for deliberation and completion of committee findings and recommendations. The complete record including the conclusions and recommendations will be submitted to the president for action deemed appropriate.