2021-2022 Academic Catalog

Crime Awareness and Campus Security

Bladen Community College is committed to providing a safe learning and working environment for the students and employees of the College. Bladen Community College encourages all students, faculty, and staff to report crimes or suspected criminal action promptly and fully. Bladen Community College adheres to the following Crime Awareness and Campus Security Policy.

In case of an accident, criminal actions, and other emergencies, the Vice President for Finance and Administration, or the designee, must be notified immediately. The Vice President for Finance and Administration, or the designee, is responsible for security and access to all campus facilities.

  1. Security officers are employed to perform routine activities for general security and to provide emergency assistance for serious situations requiring immediate response. They follow a staggered schedule to cover days, evenings, and Saturdays.
  2. Violations involving the possession, use, and sale of alcoholic beverages, possession and/or use of any drug as defined under the N.C. Controlled Substance Act, will not be tolerated in, or on, any part of the campus, its satellites, equipment it operates, or wherever its employees or students are required to be while performing their duties as students or employees. Any violations of these standards of behavior may result in dismissal from the College.
  3. All incidents (criminal and security) must be reported to the Vice President Finance, or the designee (day), or Evening Director (night), and/or campus security officers.

Security Operations

  1. The College provides security on campus during regular operating hours. In addition, a security system is in operation on the Dublin campus. The system is monitored through Security Central.
  2. The Security Officers have portable radios and constantly patrol. Should any event requiring security occur, the officers can be contacted by the college receptionist or personnel in the college administration building, Security officers inform the receptionist of their location. The receptionist uses the radio to contact officers as needed. Events are reported to appropriate personnel. Security escorts are available to walk students, faculty, and staff to their cars at night. The college receptionists arrange escorts.
  3. Information concerning crime awareness, campus security procedures and practices, and annual security reports are disseminated to students and employees through the following:
    1. Faculty, staff, and student handouts.
    2. Catalog
    3. Orientation

The Campus Security Act requires colleges to record and report certain crimes. Information data on crime and security violations shall be filed, disseminated, and posted each August by the Vice President for Student Services. The same shall be submitted to the Department of Education and be available for distribution to interested parties.