2021-2022 Academic Catalog

Services for Students with Disabilities

The college’s goal is to insure qualified students’ equal opportunity and access to all programs and facilities. Our goal is to integrate disabled students into the life of the College and help them participate and benefit from the programs and activities enjoyed by all.

Services for students with special needs are coordinated through Student Services. It is the student’s responsibility to provide current documentation of their disability so that the college can arrange for necessary services. Requests for special services should be made at least five weeks prior to needing special accommodations and registering for classes. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate all students; however, if requests are not received in a timely manner prior to the time the student needs special accommodations, it may not be possible to provide the necessary services until a later term.

More information can be found in the BCC Disability Services Handbook, found at https://www.bladencc.edu/web/wpc/uploads/Bladen-Community-College-Disability-Handbook.pdf.