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2024-2025 Academic Catalog
2024-2025 Academic Catalog /// Financial Aid /// Types of Aid
Pell Grant proration is based on the following standards:
A student’s Student Aid Index (SAI) will determine the amount of Pell awarded.
FWS students work at least ten (10) hours a week at a rate determined by the institution. Current job descriptions are located in the Financial Aid Office. Placement is based upon job availability and student skills. Students initially should be enrolled in six or more credit hours for fall and/or spring semesters to participate in the program. Before beginning work, all participants must review the FWS Handbook and complete all required employment paperwork. When a student is placed in a position, a supervisor is assigned to monitor the work performed. FWS students are required to complete a monthly timesheet and are paid at the end of the following month. Eligible students are placed in FWS positions for each academic year based upon available funds.