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2020-2021 Academic Catalog


  1. Seventy-five percent of a degree or diploma may be earned with CEUs that have been accepted as curriculum credit; the final twenty-five percent of a degree or diploma credential must be earned by completing curriculum education credit courses. One hundred percent of a certificate may be earned with CEUs that have been accepted as curriculum credit if all of the CEUs were earned at Bladen Community College; otherwise, seventy-five percent of a certificate may be earned with CEUs that have been accepted as curriculum credit.
  2. Curriculum credits may only be applied to pre-approved associate in applied science degrees, diplomas, or certificates.
  3. No course substitutions are permitted. These continuing education courses will only be applied to their curriculum equivalent and may not be used to substitute for required coursework in any program.
  4. Only Bladen Community College continuing education courses that have been pre-approved will be considered for curriculum credit equivalency unless otherwise noted on the “Non-Credit to Credit: Local Articulation Agreement”.
  5. Only CEUs, with a grade of S (satisfactory/70%), that have been earned within the last five years as documented on the Bladen Community College transcripts will be considered for transfer equivalency.
  6. Students who register for curriculum credit will pay curriculum tuition and fees. Students who register for CEUs will pay continuing education tuition and fees. Students may not change their registration type beyond the posted schedule adjustment period.
  7. Students who register for curriculum credit may be eligible for federal or state sponsored financial aid and/or veterans benefits. Students who register for CEUs are not eligible for federal or state sponsored financial aid and/or veterans benefits. Students will not be retroactively awarded financial aid for continuing education courses converted to credit.