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2020-2021 Academic Catalog

Required Actions and Assigned Responsibilities


In order to apply for evaluation of CEUs for credit equivalency, the student:

  1. Must meet admissions requirements and be admitted into an associate in applied science degree program of study.
  2. Must be currently enrolled in at least one curriculum course in the degree program past the census date (10% date of the semester).
  3. Must use “Request for Evaluation of CE Units for Curriculum Credit” to apply for the conversion of CEUs to curriculum credit within five (5) years of earning each applicable unit unless noted otherwise in the “Non-Credit to Credit: Local Articulation Agreement”. Curriculum credit will not be awarded if not enrolled in a curriculum program before the applicable unit expires or if continuous enrollment (excluding summer session) for the curriculum program is not upheld after the applicable unit expires.

Continuing Education Services

  1. Continuing education courses will include student learning outcomes, at least the same number of contact hours as the equivalent credit course, and assessment measurements will be pre-approved by the appropriate curriculum division dean.
  2. Continuing education directors will hire instructors whose credentials meet the curriculum education standards as approved by the appropriate curriculum dean.
  3. Continuing and curriculum education directors/department heads will develop schedules that accommodate the needs of students in both continuing and curriculum education.

Curriculum Education Services

  1. Curriculum division deans will approve continuing education courses for potential curriculum credit equivalency and document those courses with the registrar.
  2. Curriculum division deans will review and approve the credentials for continuing education instructors who teach courses approved for credit equivalency.
  3. Continuing and curriculum education directors/department heads will develop schedules that accommodate the needs of students in both continuing and curriculum education.


  1. When continuing and curriculum education students are combined in one curriculum education class section, the curriculum education instructor will complete and submit continuing education and curriculum education attendance and final grade rosters to the appropriate division. Continuing education students will earn grades of “S”, to represent satisfactory completion of 70% of all course work, or “U” for calculated grades of 69% or less. Curriculum students will earn letter grades according to the College’s grading scheme and as outlined in the course syllabus.
  2. When continuing education students are participating in a continuing education course that is approved for potential curriculum credit equivalency, the continuing education instructor will assign grades of “S”, to represent satisfactory completion of 70% of all course work, or “U” for calculated grades of 69% or less.