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2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Academic Honesty Policy

Bladen Community College operates under the premise of academic honesty. The policy is that plagiarism, cheating, unauthorized multiple submissions, copyright encroachment, and sharing of electronic signatures are prohibited. Whereas it is the instructor’s responsibility to create an environment in which academic honesty is expected, it is the student’s obligation to uphold this policy.

Students who violate the academic honesty policy, either directly or indirectly, are immediately responsible to the instructor of the course. The instructor has the authority to assign an “F” or a “zero” for the exercise or examination, and/or to assign an “F” in the course. If the course serves as a prerequisite for sequential courses within the curriculum, the student will not be able to progress in the program of study until the course is completed with a passing grade.

For the purpose of this policy, the following terms are defined as:

  1. Cheating

    Practicing or attempting to practice dishonesty or deception in the taking of tests or in the preparation or submission of academic work purporting to be one’s own; or doing any of the following without instructor permission: copying or attempting to copy from another person’s test, paper, or other graded work in a course; allowing someone to copy one’s test, paper, or other graded work; using during a testing period, or bringing into a testing area with the intent to use, any notes or other materials which a student is not permitted to consult; or intentionally helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty.

  2. Plagiarism:

    Copying a sentence, several sentences, or a significant part of a sentence that has been written by someone other than the person submitting the paper, and then neglecting to indicate through the use of quotation marks or blocking that the material has been copied; or copying from another writer in such a way as to change one or two words in the sentence, or rearranging the order of the wording, or paraphrasing, or summarizing information and then neglecting to furnish documentation; or any failure to cite sources when appropriate.

  3. Multiple Submission:

    Submitting of substantial portions of the same academic work (including oral reports) for credit more than once without authorization; submitting the same paper for credit in two courses without instructor permission; making minor revisions in a credited paper or report (including oral presentations) and submitting it again as if it were new work; or allowing someone to submit one’s own previously graded work for credit. Different aspects of the same work may receive separate credit; e.g., a report in history may receive credit for its content in a history course and for the quality of presentation in a speech course.

  4. Copyright Encroachment:

    Using copyrighted material in any form (printed, electronic, or magnetic media storing documents of any type, including software) without authorization.

    The acts of cheating, plagiarism, multiple submission, and/or copyright encroachment shall encompass, but shall not be limited to, the examples or contexts cited above.

  5. Sharing of Electronic Signature:

    Sharing of one’s electronic signature (unique username and password) with another individual or using the electronic signature of another individual constitutes academic dishonesty.

  6. Artificial Intelligence: 
    As an institution committed to academic integrity, Bladen Community College recognizes the emerging nature of artificial intelligence in society and in education. Students are encouraged to use A.I. technologies responsibly as a tool for learning and research. However, submitting A.I.-generated work as one's own without proper attribution is considered an act of academic dishonesty. Students are expected to uphold the principles of honesty and originality in their academic pursuits, and any violation of these principles will be addressed according to the College’s academic integrity policy.