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2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Grading System

Records of progress are kept by the College on veteran and non-veteran students. Progress records are available to all students via Self-Service based on the following service.

Grade Significance Grade Points/Credit
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Fair 2
D Poor, but passing 1
F Failing 0
I Incomplete 0
IE Incomplete Emergency 0
P Pass 0
R Re-Enroll 0
CC Course Completion 0
W Withdrawal 0
WE Withdrawal Emergency 0
WF Withdrew Failing 0
AU Audit 0
CR Credit 0
TR and/or XT Transfer Credit 0
NA Never Attend 0
IP In-Progress 0

Grading is the responsibility of each instructor based on student performance. Each instructor should develop and advise all students as to the system to be used in evaluating performance. No grade will be reported if a student withdraws from college or from a course within the drop/add period.

“F”— Failing: “F” grade received in a course which is required for the completion of a curriculum must be removed on the student’s GPA by repeating and passing the course. If a student fails a prerequisite course, he/she should repeat and successfully complete the prerequisite before beginning the next course.

“I”— Incomplete grade: A grade of “I” may be awarded only when a student has not completed the requirements of a course. If a grade of “I” is not removed within one semester, the “I” grade will be changed by the Registrar to a grade of “F”. The student receiving an “I” grade is responsible for contacting the instructor to determine the specific requirements for completion of the course.

“P” – Pass or “R” – Re-Enroll will be used for transition and support courses.

“WF”— Withdrew Failing: Same significance as “F” grade.

“AU”— Audit: Students who wish to audit courses must follow regular registration procedures and must have approval of the instructional director responsible for the particular course. Audit students do not receive credit but must adhere to attendance regulations. An audit cannot be changed to credit nor can credit courses be changed to audit courses after the “drop/add” period. Auditors will be charged the same fee as students taking courses for credit.

“CR”— Credit by Examination will be used to denote credit received by examination.

“TR” and/or "XT"— Transfer of Credit will be used to denote all credits transferred from other colleges.

“NA”— Student never attended class by the census date and did not follow proper withdrawal procedures.

“IP”— The student’s course has not yet ended
